Packet structure

|       Adapter Number      |
|         (1 Octet)         |
|           Flags           |
|         (1 Octet)         |
|           Payload         |
.                           .
.                           .
.                           .


The adapter number field identifies the interface on which the frame was recorded. On single-interface systems, this will typically be 0.

The bits in the flags field are:

  • 0x01 - Direction (0=RX, 1=TX)
  • 0x02-0x80 - Reserved

The payload is an NFC Logical Link Control Protocol (LLCP) PDU, as specified by the NFC Forum Logical Link Control Protocol Technical Specification, i.e. a byte containing the DSAP and upper two bits of the PTYPE, followed by a byte containing the lower two bits of the PTYPE and the SSAP, followed by the sequence byte if the frame has sequence numbers, followed by any additional bytes of payload.