pcap_list_tstamp_types(3PCAP) man page

Updated: 8 September 2019 • View in plain textReturn to Main Contents

This man page documents libpcap version 1.10.0 (see also: git master branch, 1.10.4, 1.10.2, 1.10.1, 1.9.1, 1.8.1, 1.7.4, 1.6.2, 1.5.3).

Your system may have a different version installed, possibly with some local modifications. To achieve the best results, please make sure this version of this man page suits your needs. If necessary, try to look for a different version on this web site or in the man pages available in your installation.


pcap_list_tstamp_types, pcap_free_tstamp_types - get a list of time stamp types supported by a capture device, and free that list


#include <pcap/pcap.h>

int pcap_list_tstamp_types(pcap_t *p, int **tstamp_typesp);
void pcap_free_tstamp_types(int *tstamp_types);


pcap_list_tstamp_types() is used to get a list of the supported time stamp types of the interface associated with the pcap descriptor. pcap_list_tstamp_types() allocates an array to hold the list and sets *tstamp_typesp to point to the array. See pcap-tstamp(7) for a list of all the time stamp types.

The caller is responsible for freeing the array with pcap_free_tstamp_types(), which frees the list pointed to by tstamp_types.


pcap_list_tstamp_types() returns the number of time stamp types in the array on success and PCAP_ERROR on failure. A return value of one means that the only time stamp type supported is the one in the list, which is the capture device's default time stamp type. A return value of zero means that the only time stamp type supported is PCAP_TSTAMP_HOST, which is the capture device's default time stamp type (only older versions of libpcap will return that; newer versions will always return one or more types). If PCAP_ERROR is returned, pcap_geterr(3PCAP) or pcap_perror(3PCAP) may be called with p as an argument to fetch or display the error text.


These functions became available in libpcap release 1.2.1. In previous releases, the time stamp type cannot be set; only the default time stamp type offered by a capture source is available.


pcap(3PCAP), pcap_tstamp_type_val_to_name(3PCAP), pcap-tstamp(7)


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