rpcapd-config(5) man page

Updated: 6 January 2019 • View in plain textReturn to Main Contents

This man page documents rpcapd version 1.9.1 (see also: git master branch, 1.10.4, 1.10.2, 1.10.1, 1.10.0).

Your system may have a different version installed, possibly with some local modifications. To achieve the best results, please make sure this version of this man page suits your needs. If necessary, try to look for a different version on this web site or in the man pages available in your installation.


rpcapd-config - rpcapd configuration file format


An rpcapd configuration file allows parameters to be set for rpcapd(8).

A # introduces a comment that runs to the end of the line. Blank lines, and lines with only a comment, are ignored. Leading and trailing white space on a line are also ignored.

Lines that set a parameter are of the form


Whitespace preceding or following the = is ignored.

The parameters are:

value is a host name or IP addresse, followed by a comma, semicolon, or space, followed by a port name and address or DEFAULT. DEFAULT specifies the default active mode port for rpcapd, port 2003. Each ActiveClient line adds the host and port to the list of clients to which the server should connect in active mode.
value is a host name or IP addresse, followed by a comma, semicolon, or space, followed by a port name and address or DEFAULT. DEFAULT specifies the default passive mode port for rpcapd, port 2002. Each PassiveClient line adds the host and port to the list of clients addresses and ports that are allowed to connect to the server in passive mode.
value is either YES or NO. YES means that null authentication is permitted; No means that it is not permitted.




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